MadMom and Mutt

Friday, March 24, 2006

Ban on Funeral Protests

Once again, NPR has got me thinking. This could be a good thing or a bad thing, I'm not sure. ; )

The state legislature in Maryland is drafting legislation to ban protests at military funerals. This is in response to the "Reverend" (and I use the title very loosely) Fred Phelps and his followers at Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS. Phelps and his cohorts, though they say they have never protested at a funeral in Maryland, have been known to present themselves at the gravesites of young men and women (such as Matthew Shepherd...for WBC's take on that matter, click here.) with such uplifting signs as Thank God for IEDs, Thank God for AIDS and the ever-popular, God Hates Fags. The legislation would bring to 15 the number of states considering or having enacted such laws.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. Yes, this is a group of...something that rhymes with "quick ducks." On the other hand, our nation was founded primarily on the principles of free speech and freedom of religion. But, why should the grieving families of service men and women killed in battle have to deal with such crap? But, isn't this precisely what many of these young soldiers believed they were fighting, and ultimately died, for? But... But... But...

It's not unlike the KKK rally in Indiana or Illinois a number of years ago. Where was that? I believe the case went all the way to the US Supreme Court but I'll be darned if I can find it anywhere right now. Not unlike burning the American flag, which I consider a rightful expression of free speech in our country. I am not a flag burner, a KKK member nor a member of Westboro Baptist Church but I would argue fiercely for the right of anyone in this country to present a dissenting opinion to me. Darn shame our culture seems to be taking the position that, if my opinion differs from yours, I should be muzzled.

I'd love to hear from anyone else with thoughts on the idea and reserve to right to revise, following a long-overdue afternoon nap...


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